We can't read all the fine print, and we need to.
I received another privacy statement from Citibank credit services about my Sears credit card. It described how they’ll share my information and the very few options I have for limiting that sharing.

What confused me initially was I thought I’d closed the account years ago, so why were they sending me this notice?
Then I read, and remembered, the fine print: “….When you are no longer our customer, we continue to share your information as described in this notice.”
That’s it. No end in sight.
Sure wasn’t worth the 10% I saved off a holiday gift that year when I signed away my rights to end my ‘relationship’ with Citibank.
Most of us have at least 2 credit cards; many people have 5 or more. The more cards you have, the more bookkeeping havoc you have, the more time and energy you spend trying to figure out how to redeem ‘rewards’ and how the bills got so high, and the more information about you and your habits you give away.
Is it worth it? Really?