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Would You Rather Eat a Worm or Cheese?

Some of the best advice you'll ever get.

Isn’t this the best cookie fortune ever? I wish I'd written it.

I posted it where I see it every day.

My clients lament that they can’t keep up with life's demands. I wish had a fairy wand to that provides the magic answers to help them move more quickly and get more done.

Supervisors tell me their staff needs to speed up and complete more. More. Faster. Expand. Quickly. Can't. Be. Left. Behind.

I’m all for getting more done if you’re not keeping up with your commitments and responsibilities at home and at work. Learning tips, tweaks, and new methods go a long way to increasing your production rate if that's what you need, and it's a realistic goal.

But I can’t make you move faster or jump higher if you’re not made that way or don't have your heart in it. If you were, you’d be moving faster and jumping higher already.

motorcycle rider doing airborne stunts
Is this what you're after?

With so many demands for your time and attention, it’s hard not to try to work more and more quickly, to be and do more. It's hard to resist what you believe is the solution, especially if you are already fast-paced, ambitious, or competitive.

But what if you’re not a super-achiever? Don't believe the hype. You’re valuable.

In contrast to our last post about the value of being a little “early” to arrive (meaning not late), arriving too early or getting a task done super quickly can work against you if that’s not your usual style.

Speeding up only slows you down.

You'll make fewer mistakes when you take a breath and allow more time to rethink a hasty decision. Incorporating different perspectives from others is often far better than making snap decisions just so you can tick it off your list and move on.

Excellent time management habits are both art and skill.

They come from thoughtful awareness. Knowing when slower is more appropriate is just as important as knowing when to move quickly.

Occasionally the anxiety-producing bright lights and noises taking over your vision truly is an oncoming train. But not usually. The best tip I can give you is to learn to know when to jump and when to watch.

black and red train
Impending train wreck?

Another is to learn to notice that you're always in front of the rest of the flock and realize you’re tasting worms. It's time to slow down. That's not failure; it's successful maturity.

What’s it going to be for you?

Worms for early bird you?

Or cheddar, brie, Swiss or bleu, when you're the more thoughtful mouse that's second on the scene?


Rate yourself on these 10 essential areas of your masterful life.

Coaching helps you choose, and stay, on your path to the life you want, whether that includes being that first or second mouse! Let's talk.


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